

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

FileNotes Windows Tagger


    • Main Features:**


Its a simple utility that will let you keep notes on any file on windows systems. Later on using a standard windows search you can find your “notes” and the associated files.

Advantages over standard windows XP file properties Metadata

  • keeps the notes (metadata) in the same directory and named with the same filename but with a .notes extension at the end.
  • The data are in plain text files thus, you don’t need extra utilities to search your “notes” for tags (you can just use the windows search).
  • Clicking on any “notes” will open up the associated file with the appropriate application (can also be configured to open up notes themselves).
  • when distributing your files you can distribute their “notes” with no extract effort since they are in the same directory next to your files.
  • The data are kept in free form, its not structured in any way (it could be thought of as a disadvantage as well).


Developer Homepage/Download

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