
Google Docs

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Google Docs & Spreadsheets


    • Main Features:**


Here's what you can do with documents:

  • Upload Word documents, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or text (or create documents from scratch).
  • Use our simple WYSIWYG editor to format your documents, spell-check them, etc.
  • Invite others (by e-mail address) to edit or view your documents and spreadsheets .
  • Edit documents online with whomever you choose.
  • View your documents' revision history and roll back to any version.
  • Publish documents and spreadsheets online to the world, as Web pages or post documents to your blog.
  • Download documents to your desktop as Word, OpenOffice, RTF, PDF, HTML or zip.
  • Here's what you can do with spreadsheets: Import and export of .xls, .csv, and .ods formatted data (and export functionality for .pdf and .html).
  • Enjoy intuitive navigation and editing, like any traditional document or spreadsheet.
  • Use formatting and formula editing in spreadsheets so you can calculate results and make your data look the way you want it.
  • Chat in real time with others who are editing your spreadsheet.


Developer Homepage/Download

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